TS Writings

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Location: Oklahoma, United States

living by conviction. fueled by passion. seeking to impact through love. this is my journey!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Making Sense


My eyes water as I think on this question. I am overwhelmed. I lack understanding. A peaceful joy of gratitude overtakes the beautiful stillness of my body. This moment is perfect, yet the answer to my question is not to be revealed.

I contemplate the blessings that have been bestowed upon me. I look at the failures and the lessons learned. I look at the period of depression that literally ignited my search for wisdom and Truth. I look at my path of personal and spiritual growth. I look at the love of my family. I look at the love of my friends. I look at how my travels to all corners of the world have refined me. I look at the passions and inherent gifts that have been revealed to me. I look at my intellectual pursuit. I look at my social status relative to the other six billion global inhabitants. I look at my good health. I look before me at the beauty of this world. My eyes are teary. My heart is thankful.

Love is my calling. I am called to love the One and the people around me. In all things, I must love. Loving the One is loving others. And loving others is loving the One. My heart is to rest in this love. Now, I must grow in my ability to love in an earthly manner. My experiences have molded me into who I am on this earth. As is such, I believe that I am to always ask myself how I can use these experiences and thoughts to relate to someone else. If I find one minute way to connect, the door will have been opened to fellowship and influence. This is my desire as I wish to be relationally impacted upon by others. It is my wish that I will also have an impact upon the hearts of others.

The accumulation of our experiences creates our individuality. It also prepares us for that which is to come. When I ask “Why?” I seem to be looking into the future rather than the past. Surely, the purpose of all my experiences would then be revealed. Yet, contrarily, one of the greatest lessons I’ve learned is that it is only this moment that matters. This moment exists in complete exclusivity. The essence of my love shines only in the present. Simply, my heart’s motive right now determines my loving nature. This moment is all I ever have, and my love for the One may only take place in this moment. Indeed, I must love the One and others fully in this present moment that is before me now!

My initial question loses its significance when I’m reminded of the basis of love. It seems that my experiences have led me to this realization.

The question has been answered.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Citizen of Riberalta

Written on 1/20/08

Last night was a good time of thinking deeper and placing myself into situational thought. I don’t think I do this enough – abroad or in the States. It’s so incredibly beneficial in the development of tolerance when we put ourselves in other’s shoes.

As I downed my evening’s dose of grilled chicken, I spent time focusing on the busy street in front of me and the people that brought its energy. The motorcycles that zipped by. The brother and sister racing in the crowded street by bicycle while going the wrong way! The perpetually constant stream of customers circulating in and out of the small-goods store. The men gathered around the television watching the fútbol
game. The trash in the street. The run-down buildings. This would become my reality for these moments. I would be a dweller of Riberalta, Bolivia. It seems that life would be just fine.

“My only exposure to the ‘good life’ has been in the movies, and I have no conception of this even being a remote possibility in my life. My life is in Riberalta, and I will always be in Riberalta. Our food is good. We often have the same thing, so it’s always a joy when we are able to have something different. Everyday, I work long, hard hours so that I can provide. My work is physically grueling, but I enjoy spending time with the guys and my family afterwards. This is my life. I will never go further than several hours outside of Riberalta. Life is good. I have friends, family, shelter, and food. This is my reality. I would trade it for riches, but I’m content as it is.”

I would like to think that the words above would be my approach to living in Riberalta. I wonder if those that live here even see its filth. Do they understand the discomforts of the mosquitoes, heat, and humidity in this jungle? I suspect that the adults do but tend to forget of them. Then, I wonder if I’m maybe the one that doesn’t recognize the settings I live in and its discomforts.

Imagine the difference of living standard in 2008 compared to 1908 in the United States. Even the wealthiest had no idea of what they were missing or, rather, what they would be missing. Instead, they accepted life as it was with the positive psychology that they “had it all.” For all of us, a “next level” exists, whether in the here and now or the future. These levels never cease.

We must come to understand that contentment may come at all levels of this spectrum without discrimination, assuming necessities are cared for. If our complete focus is on that next level, then the heart will find no contentment at present. Our current surroundings show their beauty. We simply need to open our eyes and see!

Such contentment as this does not drain our motivation to increase our living standard. After all, this seems to be a universal urge. Rather, this specific contentment brings the understanding that our livelihood is not based on attaining the level beyond us. No, contentment is here. It is now. Look before you!

Just as the Bolivian man finds comfort in his impoverished life, you too can find comfort in your impoverished life. This is my journey. Come along with me!


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Unending Adventure!

We all live a story. The real question is whether you live a story of adventure. It is this that makes life exciting. This is the life many aspire for at their heart’s depth but few live out. The irony is that very little aspiration is needed to live such a life. It is a matter of perspective and living adventurously today. In fact, you can choose this path of energy and excitement right now!

Let me warn you, though. There are risks. Indeed, it is such risks that make the path adventurous. You must be willing to put a lot on the line. Remember, your rewards will come. First, one’s daily monotony must be broken. Two approaches can be taken: (1) change the lens that you are using to judge the day or (2) change the day. Both used together is optimal.

Begin by realizing that life is not monotonous. It is your mind that creates such. Life is always changing in nearly all facets. We simply miss most of this. We place a level of relativity on these changes, causing us to minimize and ignore many of them. Change must come to this way of thinking! Wonderful things are happening each day that slip directly past our awareness.

You could marvel at the fact that you have put your thoughts into words on the computer screen in front of you. Imagine for a moment at how intricately amazing this process is! You could actually think about how much you enjoy crunching on the ice in your cup during the hour after lunch. Maybe a coworker made you feel good. Take note and go make someone else feel good. After all, our interaction with others is the basis of living a truly adventurous life. These are the first steps to bringing advantageous change to your life.

If you are seeking deep-seated adventure, though, you will go further. You will take risks. You will sacrifice comfort for challenge. You will desire to grow. You will be in search of that which is Greater. Your energy will attract. You will be willing to lose it all, realizing that you really have nothing to lose. There will be something different about you. You will have chosen a unique path.

While seeing the day through a different set of lens, you will also bring change to the day. The “normal” will be shaken as a drop of the “abnormal” will be an added ingredient. Always, you will be looking for opportunities to bring change. One can be radical or mild in such actions. It is the former that creates greatest intrigue.

Send a colleague an unexpected note of reverence. Ask the beautiful girl on a date even though you sure she’ll say “no.” Spend a night with bums. Sleep where they sleep. Eat what they eat. Plainly, call out your boss for his lack of ethics if such a situation involves you. Become a vegetarian for a month. Put the shoe on first that you usually put on last for the next week. Wear clashing colors for a week. Stop and buy lemonade from the young girls. Stay and talk to them. Walk at half speed for a day. Don’t chew your ice – just let it melt in your mouth. Talk to random people around the world on Skype. Clearly, the list can go on and on. Create your own!

You must train your mind to see the world in a slightly different way. In many ways, your mind must think in terms of opposites. It must challenge its tendency for comfort and bring new experiences. You must always be alert and in search of ways you can look at something differently or shake it up.

Begin by changing your perspective and proceed forth as you desire. The life of adventure awaits you!


Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Passion: The Collegiate Pursuit

Did you awake this morning with an excitement to pursue the day? Did you have trouble falling asleep last night because of your desire to continue the day? Are you filled with vibrancy and vitality as you perform the tasks of your day? You must be! Are you not?

Passion. Do you have it? If you live in this contagious state, you know it and others know it. For it infiltrates every step of your day! If you do not live in this state, I urge you to consider the reasoning. I only bring forth this encouragement because I believe in your capability to succeed! You may say, “But you don’t even know me!” Indeed, this is true. However, I know that you are gifted. This is not in question. Rather, the question is whether you recognize your gifts and have become ignited with a passion to utilize them for the benefit of others. Have you?

Why do you sit idle in these collegiate years? This is of consequence. Now is the time to seek, to find truth. Here, the beauty of passion rests. The process is thorough, but the reward is great! You may ask, “How is it that I am to discover my passions?” Such a question is valid. You must proceed with self analysis. This may begin with constructing a list of your qualities and gifts. Stepping further, seek the third-party wisdom of family and friends. Request that they express their observances of your nature and their general thoughts. You will find much truth through this progression.

Gradually, leadings will develop within you. As these thoughts expand, begin to seek individuals that live with passion in industries of which you hold interest. Yearn for their wisdom. Express your pursuit of passion as you speak with these individuals. Most passionate people are eager to encourage others that are seeking a similar passion! You will discover this.

The greater quest in these collegiate years is not the development of knowledge; no, it is the discovery of passion! If you gain this discovery, you will find no end to success in this life. I dare you to find your earthly passions. Go, seek at once!

“Without passion man is a mere latent force and possibility, like the flint which awaits the shock of the iron before it can give forth its spark.” (Henri Frédéric Amiel)